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Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 6th, 2013, 8:51 pm
by Hero of Man
So... how are they? Worth the price of admission, in your opinions?

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:03 am
by Levitas
I picked up Mission pack 2 (Nomads vs Aleph).

The mission is Paradiso meets ITS. Beefier than an ITS mission, but cleaner than Paradiso. Objective room, security bots, elevators etc.

I'm yet to play it so can't comment on how it runs, but overall the PDF is just a 'nice touch' and it's value depends on how badly you want new missions and fluff. I'd say folks should buy Dire Foes for the models, as that's what will likely get the most use.

Eventually a gaming group should have access to all the missions, which gives an extra option when deciding what you want to play.

The art is neat, but small to fit the box. Still, great size to geek out a game room or office cubicle.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 1:17 am
by Hero of Man
Well, my first issue was the price, but since Minimarket discount cuts it to $10s a fig, they're back on my radar. The MSRP was way too much for me originally, so the quality of the rules was a clencher on how high Dire Foes was on my radar.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 8:55 pm
by Section9
Hero of Man wrote:Well, my first issue was the price, but since Minimarket discount cuts it to $10s a fig, they're back on my radar. The MSRP was way too much for me originally, so the quality of the rules was a clencher on how high Dire Foes was on my radar.

Me, too.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 9th, 2013, 11:40 am
by Steam-Age Dandy
Frankly - I find the "Fleeting Alliance" mission to be one of the best and most tactical missions I have seen so far in all of Infinity. I own that one and "Dark Mist" which is also a good, solid mission with a twist (max LoF of 24" :D) . The minis are awesome (even though Isobel McGregor concists of 9 or so parts O.O ) and so are the missions. I believe value for money wise they really work well.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 9th, 2013, 11:01 pm
by Levitas
Steam-Age Dandy wrote:Frankly - I find the "Fleeting Alliance" mission to be one of the best and most tactical missions I have seen so far in all of Infinity. I own that one and "Dark Mist" which is also a good, solid mission with a twist (max LoF of 24" :D) . The minis are awesome (even though Isobel McGregor concists of 9 or so parts O.O ) and so are the missions. I believe value for money wise they really work well.

I'm going to play Fleeting Alliance this coming weekend, any sneaky tips? :grin:

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 9:38 am
by Kitsune
Fleeting Alliance is the one I'm gonna be purchasing as well. After Christmas tho!

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 9:46 am
by Steam-Age Dandy
Levitas wrote:
I'm going to play Fleeting Alliance this coming weekend, any sneaky tips? :grin:

One. It seems obvious to me, but some of oru players did not realise this: Your specialist is untouchable by the enemy before he/she enters the access code into teh console. Means before doing so you can go kill stuff if they left anything out in the open and they cannot kill you lest the game ends. Nasty. Just remember that the opponent can do that too ;)

Also : It is worth blocking off access to the elevators and hopping in at the last moment, especialyl if you go second. If you go first you can do that too but you'd bette rmine the area around them and/or cove rit with TR REMs. :D That way you do not suffer from order stravation, which can otherwise happen easily.

have fun! :D And let us know wetehr you enjoyed the mission

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 6:20 pm
by Levitas
Steam-Age Dandy wrote:
Levitas wrote:
I'm going to play Fleeting Alliance this coming weekend, any sneaky tips? :grin:

One. It seems obvious to me, but some of oru players did not realise this: Your specialist is untouchable by the enemy before he/she enters the access code into teh console. Means before doing so you can go kill stuff if they left anything out in the open and they cannot kill you lest the game ends. Nasty. Just remember that the opponent can do that too ;)

Also : It is worth blocking off access to the elevators and hopping in at the last moment, especialyl if you go second. If you go first you can do that too but you'd bette rmine the area around them and/or cove rit with TR REMs. :D That way you do not suffer from order stravation, which can otherwise happen easily.

have fun! :D And let us know wetehr you enjoyed the mission

Interesting! I did wonder how the 'fleeting alliance' part will play out. Toying with the idea of a hidden TO guy in the room to nail the authorized button pusher when he has done the deed, as well as minelayers by the elevators.

Overall looks like a fun mission, with lost of opportunity for sneakery and backstabbing, so thumbs up to CB.

I'm most likely going to buy the JSA/Ariadna box, so hope Dark Mist is just as fun.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 17th, 2013, 9:41 pm
by Levitas
So over the weekend I got to test out Dire Foes mission 2 - Fleeting Alliance, and have also taken a read through the JSA vs Scotts pack - Dark Mist.

Overall I think these are great, and really want to collect them all (well mostly the missions and civvy models!)

Thoughts on Fleeting Alliance background:
The background for this one is pretty interesting (and surprising). And the mission takes place after a bigger operation, as the two forces evacuate a massive cruiser. Both Lupe and Trazzy have some great background and history. Aleph fans will enjoy his interaction and views on Achilles. Whle Lupe is a tough, rebellious and flirtatious operative. Women scorned springs to mind.

Thoughts on Fleeting Alliance mission:
The mission itself is an evacuation, and has a twist that both sides must activate a central console or the mission is a joint failure (that would be the fleeting alliance then). While the area is protected by those pesky total reaction security remotes, to make the button presses and evacuation that much more fun. Onec buttons have been WIP'd then both sides will be making for the elevators situated on the left and right of the board. While bonus points can be had for syncing with the civvy and holding onto a few consoles.

Worth noting that docs are specialists, while lieutenants are not. Otherwise it's your standard repertoire of button bashers we have come to expect. No huge shift away from WIP checks, but overall the mission runs a lot smoother than Paradisos.

Knowing you have to score objectives both in the center of the board and on the flanks made for a very interesting deployment and game. Link teams and elevators made for an effective way to score points.

Thoughts on Dark Mist background:
I freaking love Yuriko. Mostly because I'm a fan of the rebelious Japanese and the Kempetais efforts to break away from Yu Jing (free Japan now! ;) ) So Yuriko as a double agent is really cool in my book, and is backed up by some great scenes in the all too brief background. She needs her own novel!

Isobel is just as much fun, and has some quirky snippets of dialogue that set her out as a witty scott who gets the job done with a grin. Which combined with Yurikos calculated and tactical approach make s for a pairing that I didn't buy at first, but now makes more sense.

Thoughts on Dark Mist Mission:
Yet to play, so initial thoughts only...

The Dark Mist of the title is a nanobot fog left over from a previous war that is blown around the planet to cause general disruption. No one wants to deal with it basically. In game terms its an environmental rule that actually effects things, like the range of guns (max 24") and PH checks for Infiltration and combat jump(-3) to roll.

Objectives included tagging antennas in your opponents deployment for a bombing run, and looks like you have to have a FO to do so. And in addition to the standard button bashing there is an electric pulse punishment for big failures on the WIP roll. Bzzzpt!

Again, like Fleeting Alliance the Lieutenant is not a specialist. Is this a sign for ITS 2014 I wonder? But the rest is standard fare. (no doc though)

This mission also has the option for a 'hard mode'.

Re: Dire Foes Missions

PostPosted: December 19th, 2013, 9:18 am
by Steam-Age Dandy
Hey there! :)

I am glad to here you enjoyed the mission! As for dark mist - I have a feeling that the Karakuri will shine in that mission. HI Forward Observers with total immunity and the MK12 easily in optimum firing range... nasty.