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Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 27th, 2013, 2:29 am
by Hero of Man
Alright folks, I got a question for you; how do we make Miranda not looking stumbling drunk, waving a fearsome banana around? I'd like any of your ideas, as currently I'm stumped.

My first impulse was to replace her sword arm with my spare from Shinobu Kitsune, but I'd forgotten she was a southpaw... may still switch sword blades, though. The other idea was to relace her left arm with my wife's spare Myrmidon Officer's Boarding Shotgun Arm, but Its held at such a strange angle, making her pose seem even worse.

My other idea is to put another figure on her base and make it look like she's holding a blade to his throat/subdoing him, as this is how bounter hunters do.

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 27th, 2013, 2:56 am
by VisOne
I intended on swapping her weapon out for one of the free CCW from a Spec-Op pack maybe the Nomad one for example or even the Tohaa one as its quite long it might help to change her stance allot?



That should help balance the model a little or at least I hope.

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 27th, 2013, 5:28 am
by valthonis
Hero of Man wrote:Alright folks, I got a question for you; how do we make Miranda not looking stumbling drunk, waving a fearsome banana around? I'd like any of your ideas, as currently I'm stumped.

My first impulse was to replace her sword arm with my spare from Shinobu Kitsune, but I'd forgotten she was a southpaw... may still switch sword blades, though. The other idea was to relace her left arm with my wife's spare Myrmidon Officer's Boarding Shotgun Arm, but Its held at such a strange angle, making her pose seem even worse.

My other idea is to put another figure on her base and make it look like she's holding a blade to his throat/subdoing him, as this is how bounter hunters do.

What pieces does she come with? Where does the sword arm attach?

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 27th, 2013, 6:09 pm
by Hero of Man
Vis: I might try the Spec Ops(Nomads) sword on her, but not sure if it fits her aesthetic. Considering the Shinobu Kitsune Drawn Sword option and leave my ninja in an battojutsu pose.


Body, Right Arm(Sword) Connects at Shoulder, Left Arm(bent inwards) Connects at Shoulder, Right Leg(Bent at knee).

I really underestimated how off balance she feels.

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 28th, 2013, 10:00 am
by Pierzasty
Add a pole, she won't look like a stumbling drunk at least ;)

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 28th, 2013, 6:50 pm
by Hero of Man
I could make her Caledonian and replace her sword with a tankard, I suppose...

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 29th, 2013, 5:32 am
by Djihani
I don't understand why nobody has just glued that sword arm pointing upwards in a brandishing/superman pose. Should solve the awkward shoulder position...

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: September 30th, 2013, 2:16 am
by Hero of Man
I don't think that would fix her, honestly. Then she'd just look like a girl stumbling with a sword in the air.

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: November 16th, 2013, 8:23 pm
by TallonHunteR
i like the other model idea, but why fight the clumsy?

put lucien sforza with a sword coming out his gut, bounty hunting apprenticeship gone WRONG!

Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: November 16th, 2013, 9:07 pm
by Hero of Man
I ended up doing this instead; though that would be a really fun conversion of Sforza.


Re: Converting Miranda Ashcroft

PostPosted: December 10th, 2013, 9:59 am
by Kitsune
Aside from trimming the sword blade down a bit, I don't mind the mini at all.