I am branching out of my comfort zone and attempting to drive enthusiasm for Infinity at the local club. The first meet for the year was Valentines Day, and it was a roaring success.
I had arranged for some of my regular gamers to get down to the club and those with terrain, asked to supply. I've known of a lot of club members indicate their interest in the game as well as others jumping in with the IceStorm box set.
We ended up with 4 tables active, terrain there for at least one more, and about a dozen actual gamers, I myself got 3 games in on the day.
At the end of the day there were quite a few people asking about Journeyman(Traditionally the club mainly hosts Warmahordes) style leagues or slow grows, to start getting amongst the action.
Since I am driving the push to get the game going I've taken it upon myself to create an escalation league, I have never done anything like it before.
I've created a series of rounds to go over 5 weeks starting from 100pts and ending at 300pts, escalating 50pts a week. I have also constructed the missions using a home grown set from one of my regular gaming groupies(he is a quite bright man, teaches Chess. His Homegrown system is pretty good).
Apply the idea of simple introductory missions for the first 3 weeks then at the larger points a little more complicated.
Where I need help in is the scoring system, as in how to?. I've not particpated in nor have I seen how a system works, so essentially I asking what anyone with this experience has done.
Is there a way to create a system that still encourages the people who are at the bottom of the league to have a crack?
I'm going to attempt to add some photos of last weeks games.