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Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 1st, 2013, 8:29 am
by Pierzasty
I have a regiment of chibi-Morats singing a children;s song about discipline in my head. What does it mean?

(Well, apart from the fact I play too much Infinity :v: )

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 1st, 2013, 8:54 pm
by kidterminal
I'm sure it means more than that. :lol:

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 12:51 pm
by Lampyridae
I dreamt I was an Asawira.

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 1:40 pm
by Pierzasty
Lampyridae wrote:I dreamt I was an Asawira.

Go on... :ubergeek:

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 2:56 pm
by Arachas
Lampyridae wrote:I dreamt I was an Asawira.

Or WITH an Asawira...? :3:

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 6th, 2013, 10:02 pm
by Lampyridae
No, actually with a "dat ass" Fiday and an Odalisque. Yes, the female kind of Odalisque. And I wasn't doing anything kinky, just being all hero-like.

An Asawira would be interesting to be with in *that* way, though. Such a high PH coupled with Regeneration. Wow.

Re: Stupid dream interpretation

PostPosted: June 7th, 2013, 1:29 am
by Pierzasty
I prefer Speculos. Pretty pretty genes, so malleable :3:
Yes, I play CA, bite me. Or don't, hey I was joking, someone get that Aswang off me...