Re: I'd like to make a new game/range... someday
February 16th, 2013, 10:06 pm
by Cho-Konnit
Giant anime mecha style robots would be ace! If anything 'cause I'd love to do some model rep with Cthulhutech and right now there's nothing on the market I think would really work. Not that I've seen anyways...
I also have an idea i'd been working on with Bugs I think i'd really like to discuss, maybe via PM.
Re: I'd like to make a new game/range... someday
July 10th, 2013, 4:55 am
by Hybrid of Steel
I was working on what I thought was a pretty cool fantasy skirmish game for a while. I did some research into existing game systems and tried to find a median on things that worked and things that didn't and go nuts from there.
I scrapped it for now due to there being a glut of game systems on the market. I would like to re-visit it in a few years when things have died down a bit. It had some decent ideas for army comp, and the system for action points was good but took a bit of bookkkeeping, so that'll probably be re-written. The setting was solid and different from standard fantasy tropes (no elves or undead... egads) so no issues there. (The idea stemmed from a manga series I started working on in 2004, but never got started past conception due to time constraints... made for interesting characters, but I kinda want to shy away from character-driven skirmish atm.)
And then there were a few plain BAD ideas, while looking cool on paper, aren't practical when it comes to making a semi-fast-paced TTG.