I chose this 'Engine' because it has 3 Gameplay Systems:
- Intrigue
- Combat
- Warfare
The Intrigue is more of the way they handle Role-Playing as that allows them to support Players not good at acting.
The Combat System is simply a skirmish combat system.
The Warfare System is for Mass Combat which could be handy for some games.
It also includes a House System for Westeros that could be converted into a Colony/Settlement System.
It is a very simple system of having a Poll of d6's for each Ability alongside Bonus Dice from Specialties. So Knowledge or Cunning might have a Hacking Specialty that is used when Hacking something. Your health is typically low and you rely on Armour to survive. Armour reduces the Amount of Damage taken. You can also take Injuries & Wounds to reduce Damage and stay in a fight. Combat is Fast & Bloody. Very fitting for this kind of game.
Example of how Fast & Bloody it is: In a single session we have had to replace 3 PCs do to a group of weaker characters getting good rolls on us. The Combat seen us wipe out 13 Enemies & lose 3 of our 6 PCs in 3 Turns.
Literally a Pistol dealling Agility-1 or Agility-2 would still be an effective weapon. And really the only thing that needs adding into the Weapons is Firearms.
So any interest?
NOTE: In this usage Engine refers to the basic Ruleset behind the game. Think Dungeon & Dragons d20 System, or the AGE System used in the Dragon Age P&P RPG.