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Selling my French

PostPosted: February 17th, 2013, 8:04 pm
by Dr.Mercury
I have a merovingian ariadna force for sale
all assembled nicely, many are primed, and some are painted or partially painted.

Loup Garou sniper
loup garou W/adhl
Loup Garou W/Boarding Shotgun
Chasseur with ADHL

Vet Kazak with t2 rifle

Mirage 5 team

both blisters of metros Plus some duplicates converted to add more variety.

Selling it all for $75 plus shipping.
This is the updated list of what I have. Let me know if you want any of it.

Re: Selling my French

PostPosted: February 17th, 2013, 8:20 pm
by VeronaKid
Dr. Mercury-
Nice collection! I, unfortunately, don't have a need for about half of what you have here (as I already own them), but if you'd be willing to part with the other half of the lot before going the eBay route, I will give you a more-than-fair price for the following:
Zouave HMG
All 5 of the Loup Garou
Chasseur from the starter set (this is my highest priority- if you want to sell a single mini, talk to me for sure)
Moblot sapper and Moblot panzerfaust
Para Commando w/ rifle
Mirage 5

If you don't get any nibbles for the whole set, definitely either post here or PM me. Best of luck with the sale!

Re: Selling my French

PostPosted: February 26th, 2013, 8:38 pm
by Dr.Mercury
All gone

Re: Selling my French

PostPosted: February 26th, 2013, 9:45 pm
by Pierzasty
Dr.Mercury wrote:All gone

I'll lock the thread then, PM a mod if you want it unlocked.