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H: Father Knight W: Trade or $$$

PostPosted: July 19th, 2015, 1:43 am
by Guges
I have a Father Knight from Icestorm. Looking for $20 U.S. or trade. Would give very favorable trade terms, like two or three S2 sized models for it. Open to negotiation.

In terms of trades I play every faction but here are some specific models I'd take. Would be open to trading models not on the list.

New Orc
New Brigada
Scarface (with or without Cordelia)
Any of the new fusiliers except the one with ML.
New Janissary Doctor
New Janissary Shotgun
New Janissary HMG
Yan Huo
New Hac Tao HMG
New Sun Tze Shotgun
Kameel Remote
Yaokong Remote

Re: H: Rev Healer, Father Knight, & Other O:I, W: Trade or $

PostPosted: July 19th, 2015, 10:50 pm
by Feric
PM sent.
