I have the following models, all still in their original ziplock packaging. Photos of the items are below. There is one photo of the actual product in ziplocks. The photos of painted models are for reference.
Asking for $20 U.S. plus shipping. Shipping will depend on location. Within the U.S. it will be $4.
1 Male Nomad Combi with dreadlocks from Operation Icerstorm/New Starter.
1 Male Nomad Combi aiming down rifle from Operation Icerstorm/New Starter.
1 Zondcat.
1 Grenzer sniper from Operation Icerstorm/New Starter.
1 Spektr with Combi from Operation Icerstorm/New Starter.
1 Lupe Balboa
This is what I want in trade. Open to negotiation and could be willing to trade other models if you really want what I have.
Would take any TWO of the following models in trade for everything I have listed above (can be painted/unpainted):
Hsien with Multirifle.
Daofei with Multirifle.
New Hac Tao with HMG.
Bolt Spitfire.
Old Jannisary with HMG.
Druze Spitfire.
Druze with Combi Rifle/Grenade Launcher.
Any of the Dire Foes "civilians".
Any Unidron Batroid or the Unidron Baggage bot.
Suryat with HMG.
New Sun Tze with Shotgun.
Chaksa HMG.
Would also take any ONE of the following models in trade for everything I have listed above (can be painted/unpainted):
Kameel remote.
Any Pan O remote.
Any Nomad remote (except Meteor Zond).
Yaokong remote.
Gecko with MK 12.
Scarface TAG.
Sogarat with Feurbach.
Any Yu Jing bike.