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[H] Huge Nurgle CSM Force [W] ££/infinity/tanks

PostPosted: February 17th, 2015, 5:50 pm
by Phototoxin
I've a massive 40k army that I'm not using, RRP from gw is over £600 But I'm taking any reasonable offer

Included is:

7 terminators (5 w/ forgeworld parts)
Hellbrute w/TL autocannon
20 cultists w/autoguns +2 heavy stubbers
3 x 25 plague zombies (WFB zombies, 3 metal plaguebearers as champions)
7 plague marines w/powerfist, 2 plasmaguns
7 plague marines w/powerfist, 2 meltaguns
7 plague marines w/powerfist, 2 meltaguns
(a mixture of oop metal plague marines, csm, marines, metal plague beaerer heads and forgeworld shoulderpads)
3 bikers - 2 plasmaguns, powerfist (from dark vengeance bikers)
7 havoks w/ 4 autocannon (forgeworld AC)
7 havoks w/ 4 autocannon (forgeworld AC)
2 plastic-metal vindicators
1 rhino
Scratchbuilt Plaguetower from WW2 tank and balsa wood + a lot of bitz!
Metal old style GUO (daemon prince)

All in a tyrant carry case except the plague tower and the zombies.

I'm looking for:

Cold hard (or warm electronic) cash or/and:

PanO rems
MO starter
magister knights tarter
NCA starter box
ISS Starter Box

IG Tanks;
Leman Russ & variants