I'm looking at downsizing stuff from my closet.
Here is what is available and I'm based in the U.S.
2x High Exemplar Kreoss
1x amon
1x Reckoner
2x Vanquisher
1x Scourge of Heresy
1x Crusader
1x Castigator
1x Vassal of Menoth
1x Covenant of Menoth
1 set of Wracks
2x Vassal Mekaniks
2x Knight Exemplar Seneshals
1x Knight Errant Seneshal
1x Rhupert, piper
1x Gudrun the wanderer
1x Eryss, mage hunter
1x Lanyssa Ryssyl
1x set of Warmachine Objective Markers
1x Cryx 'jack wreck marker
I'm looking for either some Tohaa models or paypal.