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H: USArf army Exclusive W: Paypal, X-Wing Scum

PostPosted: May 11th, 2016, 9:31 pm
by Blaze
2 Marauders - Painted well
4 Minutemans - Painted well
3 Grunts - SWC Sniper, SWC HMG , Rifle
4 Desperados - Clean
2 Desperados - Studio Painted
2 Mavericks - Studio Painted
Spec Ops - Painted well
Warcor with camera, clean
Van Zant with axe
3 foxtrots 2 FO pose NEW and one sniper pose.

Also Limited Stuff
6 Limited dice ariadna.
Limited (custom made) usarf templates
Exclusive Secure HVT Card (Spanish)
Exclusive Usarf box with tokens as starter set.

Huznakuts New pose girl.

I want 180 $ + shipping. I Consider also to split them
Shipping from Poland, WORLDWIDE! Just pm me.

Re: H: USArf army Exclusive W: Paypal, X-Wing Scum

PostPosted: May 12th, 2016, 8:43 pm
by satan
Do you have any pictures of the painted Desperados, Spec ops and Marauders?

Re: H: USArf army Exclusive W: Paypal, X-Wing Scum

PostPosted: May 13th, 2016, 6:47 am
by Blaze
Yea, i have them on my phone, i will post it today later

Re: H: USArf army Exclusive W: Paypal, X-Wing Scum

PostPosted: May 18th, 2016, 4:53 pm
by asperon
Mavericks mounted or not? Can you post pictures?