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H: Armand Le Muet, Krakot Renegade W: Van Zant Limited

PostPosted: February 4th, 2016, 7:41 pm
by asperon
Since i missed the chance to pick up the limited Van Zant i am now offering my Armand Le Muet in trade for one. I am located in Sweden if that matters.

Re: H: Armand Le Muet W: Van Zant Limited

PostPosted: March 27th, 2016, 10:26 pm
by asperon
Have the new ITS Morat Renegade as well, if that is more attractive.

Re: H: Armand Le Muet, Krakot Renegade W: Van Zant Limited

PostPosted: April 9th, 2016, 12:02 pm
by asperon
Found him!

Re: H: Armand Le Muet, Krakot Renegade W: Van Zant Limited

PostPosted: April 10th, 2016, 12:04 pm
by CthulhuStoleXmas
asperon wrote:Have the new ITS Morat Renegade as well, if that is more attractive.

If you feel you don't use the Krakot and would like to send him to serve the EI in Finland, contact me at: ville.ervasti[at]