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Cheap Infinity Blisters

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2013, 1:09 am
by Hero of Man

Not me, but I've bought lots of minis from this guy. Free shipping in the US, sells for well under MSRP. Guy ships fast, also.

I've nabbed both Keisotsu Blisters, HMG Hellcat, Tuareg Hacker, and Izzat Beg(6.99!!) so far, and he always seems to have more in stock.

Re: Cheap Infinity Blisters

PostPosted: November 24th, 2013, 7:02 pm
by SgtHulka
Yeah, he's great. Both the hackers I bought from him came with holograms, fyi. Izzat Beg is such a bargain I'm toying with the idea of buying another from him and seeing if I can convert it to a normal Kum (somehow I've ended up with quite a few Haqq rifles).