Yes, FOC. No, not "friends of Carlotta", FREE OF CHARGE. No catch (well, ok - ONE catch. I can only do the ones I have left for this).
Every so often, I will do a batch of these holos up for the local players. Over the last couple of years, I have ended up with leftovers for some of them. While I still have spares of these, I will endeavour to send them out until I run out. I have already made back my costs on these, this is why these leftovers are free.
I have made this offer on the official forums. I have made it on the Infinity Australia FB page, and I now make it here.
They are laserprinted onto clear overhead projector transparency sheet, and approx the same size as the sheets that used to be included in the blisters.
If you need some, and I have THOSE ones in stock, I will be happy to post them to you, FREE OF CHARGE, no trades required. You do not even have to pay postage.
You need merely PM me with a request for which ones you want and supply a POSTAL DELIVERY ADDRESS. I don't care if it's a PO box or a residential address.
I currently have the following available.
PanO - Hacker x1 (orange)
Haqq - hackerx3 (yellow/orange)
Yu-jing hacker x5 3 of one kind, 2 of the other. The one with the 5x circular holos is actually supposed to be "engineer" but CB have both labelled as "hacker". (blue)
Nomad hacker x1 (green)
Alephx3 (purple)
Holoechoes x4 (2 per) bashi bazouk boarding shotgun. (greenish blue).
Just doing my part to help people out. I have a laser printer and these were printed by me at home.