By moving from a house to a flat I have to downsize my miniature collection. The first on the block are my Confrontation Dirz miniatures.
Models are for the most part cleaned of mold lines and glued to original bases. Some of them are not not put together because they were in need of paint stripping after a purchase. A few of them are painted to a tabletop standard or primed.
Included with the figures are all the cards that came with the models(spells, equipment, ...).
A few models are without original bases and cards as they were second hand purchases.
Models that are on the pictures but not listed have already been sold.
Models in red are currently reserved.
The collection consists of:
Dasyatis clone 2 - missing 2 dorsal spines - 14€/15,5$
Ysis - 12€/13,5$
Dawn warriors 5 models - 15€/16,5$
Keratis warriors - Dominators box - 24€/26,5$; one Keratis had an unfortunate fall and is need of fine pinning, can provide pictures
Sentinels of Danakil box plus extra Sentinel - 22€/24$
Scorpion Oriflame - 13€/14,5$
Sasis Samaris 1e - 12€/13$
Keratis warriors with halberds 4 models - 2(1 pair) put together 12€/13$; pair with one broken spear, no cards 8€/9$
Sin Assyris - 20€/22$
Clones of Dirz 6 models plus extra weapons - 13€/14,5$
Vargas Metatron 2 models - each 7€/8$
Laboratories of the Scorpion card pack - 10€/11$
I'm also open to reasonable counter offers.
If someone would take the whole lot I will drop the price of the whole lot to 140€/155$ plus shipping.
Postage is not included in the prices. I'm looking to ship mainly to Europe due to worldwide shipping costs/delivery time but can also ship worldwide.