Hi all, looking to get my hand on a certain few Tohaa units. Prefer NIB if possible as it would be worth more money to me. Would be willing to look at others if there are pics. Looking for about 50-60% off. 50% for NIB obviously, maybe even 40% if I like you (I probably will).
Anyways, here are the Tohaa boxes that I am looking to get my grubby mitts on.
Chaksa Auxiliaries (trying to get two of these boxes on the cheap)
Gao Tarso w/ HMG
Gao Rael w/ Spitfire
Kumotail Support Box (Tohaa Support Box)
Hatail Aelis Keesan
Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate
So, my haves...
Iguana Squadron NIB
HMG Paracommando NIB
OOP Line Kazaks assembled
OOP Veteran Kazak with HMG assembled
Dark Eldar force (huge) primed and given airbrush coat of dark purple
9 Raiders
3 Ravagers
20 Warriors
20 Wyches
Custom made Kabalites and leaders
Haemonculus Urien Rakarth
And of course there is Paypal. Located in the U.S., but could easily go overseas.
Data-sphere, hear my pleas!