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Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 9:07 am
by Uriel
I just received my order from Zen Terrain (, and I thought I'd share my findings with you.
They also have a seperate thread here:

The stackable Habs, are what drew me to place an order. It's a basic, traversible shape, that feels like a proper building. It looks like it has interior, but in my view doesn't need one. I'm planning to use this as upper layer fillers on a city district, where I don't want to have to lift roofs all the time, but would rather work with balconies on different levels, skybridges etc. I think buildings with interiors are wonderful, but stop working well if you want more vertical terrain on your table. So, suggestion to Zenterrain: perhaps this could be your niche? ;)
Prices are great too. Note: shipping is not so cheap, but my solution was to place a larger order :D

Everything is packed with the utmost care - lots of bubble wrap. All the MDF is pre-cut, and from the partitioning it seems like coarse cutting (large parts) is done seperate from the more fine stuff. Below is the stackable Hab building with an ad panel from the conversion kit (has a lot of fiddly bits, but looks great!).

Something of note: there is no dry-fitting possible (on the products I've assembled so far). It needs glue to stay in shape, contrary to, for example Systema's terrain (the other terrain I own). Also, the glueing takes patience - if you hate things shifting or falling off in your clumsy hands (like me), take your time and use PVA glue. Also, it feels like this terrain would best be painted before assembly - e.g. the roof on the hab, or the ad panel could more easily be given a different colour than the rest of the structure.

I've also added a comparison shot with a Systema building and some models:

To summarise, I think it is a clean-cut product, favourably priced. Once glued, it feels rock solid. It might not be that great to start off with if you're looking for easy to assemble terrain, or if you need to get lots of terrain done quickly. Finally, I should note that some great ideas went into this terrain (I love the conversion kit), and there are already announcements for more additions to the line.

PS - as soon as I get more stackable habs built, I'll add pictures of the stacking mechanic!

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 10:46 am
by CoveredInFish
Thanks for the review. Now I'm even more eagerly awaiting my order.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 2:47 pm
by Arachas
Thanks for the review! Great to have another MDF player on the scene.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 3:03 pm
by Dozer
Gotta say that looks mighty fine. Please post some picks with some stacks. So far you've convinced me this will picked up - it's now a matter of when. I'm a boat right now for picking up some terrain and these folks are on the short list for the large order.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 3:32 pm
by Uriel
Dozer wrote:Gotta say that looks mighty fine. Please post some picks with some stacks. So far you've convinced me this will picked up - it's now a matter of when. I'm a boat right now for picking up some terrain and these folks are on the short list for the large order.

I'll see if I have time to assemble another hab today. Any other shots I can help you with?

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 3:56 pm
by Dozer
Uriel - No rush I was juts hoping to see how the habs stack and any comments on how well they stack, how sturdy they stack ,and how easy it is to move on the terrain with the minis.

Thanks for being super

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 1st, 2014, 4:26 pm
by Uriel
Dozer wrote:Uriel - No rush I was juts hoping to see how the habs stack and any comments on how well they stack, how sturdy they stack ,and how easy it is to move on the terrain with the minis.

Thanks for being super

Tell you what - I'll get a few of them done and post more substantial findings somewhere this weekend.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 5th, 2014, 10:37 am
by Uriel
Allright, time for a bit more substantial view on the Hab buildings. I've assembled three now, and am loving the aesthetic.
They stack very solidly, with little play. Pay attention at assembly for excess glue on the inside of the upper walls, as an upper building will catch on this.

I feel the pack of terrain add-ons helps to bring the block to life. Shown is the ad panel and the rooftop generator. Even more is included in that pack, and I will probably use these parts on other buildings as well.

One thing to note is the following: 40mm bases will not go up the stairwell. For remotes, that doesn't bother me. However, consider that some armies have HI on those bases - that's more of an issue.

As for moving infantry in general, note the overhang when you stack 3+ habs. I don't have a miniature with a banner or something similar, so I can't test the extremes. However, the clearance is more than it seems in the picture, and moving models around on the stairwells shouldn't be an issue.
(To be extra complete: equipment extending further out from the base might disallow certain orientations, though you have quite some room - check my OP for a LI on the stairs)

Maybe the other designs that will fit in with the Hab buildings need to allow more movement for these bases? Otherwise they won't be able to reach the rooftops :D

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 6th, 2014, 3:50 pm
by M2Cat
It's pity that this blocks cannot be accessed with 40mm miniatures. But Lunokhod and Stempler both have climbing+.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 6th, 2014, 6:59 pm
by Alf O'Mega
Would that actually mean anything in game apart from maybe being awkward? What are the actual rules for movement and base size? I can't find them anywhere! Anyone got a link or a page reference? Buildings look great by the way!

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 6th, 2014, 7:16 pm
by Uriel
Well, you can't have models with 40mm bases position on the stairs and walkways up to the roof (obviously they can still be on the roof itself).

I don't mind all that much - but it means it can't be my only terrain. What I would use it with is a base building that is accessible by 40mm, maybe even 55mm.

Where the green means 25mm only, blue means accessible by more figures.

In a way it has a cool vibe, these small hab towers with small walkways, where only your infantry can go. Anything heavier need to move along more restricted paths to get topside (or have climbing plus / superjump).

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 7th, 2014, 9:10 am
by zenterrain
Uriel - thanks for the great review - all the points are noted.

As we will be expanding the HAB range pretty soon you can expect at least base buildings (that will be larger than the basic HAB) will have access for 40mm base (not sure about 55mm - but you can give advice on that as well).
The bridge system currently in the works will support 25 and 40mm bases.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 8th, 2014, 2:12 pm
by Dozer
Wow those look great. Thanks for the posts about stacking them up. Looks like it's time to get a couple of 3 packs - damn it.

Are the insides of the buildings worth painting?

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 8th, 2014, 3:31 pm
by Uriel
zenterrain wrote:Uriel - thanks for the great review - all the points are noted.

As we will be expanding the HAB range pretty soon you can expect at least base buildings (that will be larger than the basic HAB) will have access for 40mm base (not sure about 55mm - but you can give advice on that as well).
The bridge system currently in the works will support 25 and 40mm bases.

Good to hear - I'm looking forward to these base buildings! Once again, it's a great product and I think its also cool to have some terrain that is only traversible by basic infantry. Are you also considering smaller bridges, looking like the walkway on the billboard?

Dozer wrote:Wow those look great. Thanks for the posts about stacking them up. Looks like it's time to get a couple of 3 packs - damn it.

Are the insides of the buildings worth painting?

I think you can't really go wrong with these. As for the inside of the building, if you're referring to the actual inside, you'll never see those unless you're holding a building upside down.

Re: Zenterrain review

PostPosted: October 8th, 2014, 4:28 pm
by Dozer
That's too bad but these for the price, observed quality, and versatility are still on the list of must buy. I'm thinking of adding on the base tops they got on the site as well. Payday can't come fast enough.