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Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: April 30th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by Magno

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: April 30th, 2013, 9:06 pm
by Lampyridae
All we need now is a few waterskis and Jean Tripplehorn.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: April 30th, 2013, 10:58 pm
by JohnnyM
But.....I just got a warmill set....

Honestly though it looks nice and would make a great Varuna rig but I could see line of sight issues coming into play. Am I right in saying a tables-worths about the £300 mark?

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 12:07 am
by Maine
Yet another "pre-order" kickstarter. He has the laser on order already, everything is prototyped and ready to go... there really isn't any reason for this to be a Kickstarter other than to insulate him against charge-backs or other actions for failure to deliver.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 12:08 am
by JTM93
Which is kinda a low-brow tactic.

I can understand for the Traffic Hazard and a few others but this one... Ugh...

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 12:22 am
by Crushar
I LIKE it!!

Line of sight issues? Perhaps but Johnny you are a genius, so I don't think you'll have much problems with figuring our how to solve that problem. And a 4 x 4 table might need about $600 USD to cover it I agree. Which of course is about what the Warmill set runs too....

As for this being on Kickstarter. I mean let's face it guys. Having your own business is hard! If you can find a way to pre-fund projects then why not? I am opposed to a big company doing this, but a smaller one or two man operation? Why not?

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 12:30 am
by JTM93
Yeah but has this guy been proven to be trustworthy?

There were a lot of Kickstarters that were similar then the people up and dropped the project and took the money.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 2:00 am
by valthonis
Lampyridae wrote:All we need now is a few waterskis and Jean Tripplehorn.

And Bay Watch Bakunins on patrol!

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 2:02 am
by valthonis
Crushar wrote:I LIKE it!!

Line of sight issues? Perhaps but Johnny you are a genius, so I don't think you'll have much problems with figuring our how to solve that problem. And a 4 x 4 table might need about $600 USD to cover it I agree. Which of course is about what the Warmill set runs too....

As for this being on Kickstarter. I mean let's face it guys. Having your own business is hard! If you can find a way to pre-fund projects then why not? I am opposed to a big company doing this, but a smaller one or two man operation? Why not?

I'm still torn on the kickstarter when one already has the equipment...but beside that point, I'd personally for the price go to Warmill and just order it. Otherwise you're spending the money, waiting 30 days and hoping it actually gets funded, then you're waiting any number of months for the actual product...

Call me cynical, but I still applaud that more are trying this stuff, but if I'm going to spend that kind of cash I'd like to know that I'm actually getting something for it.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 3:43 am
by daviddasilva
As far as some one having the laser before starting a kickstarter, I made the math for mine, it was a logic action since I was able to create files and then prototype them 5 minutes later. If I had to send out my files to some one and then wait 5 days for a prototype to come back only to find out I was out by 1/8th I would have ended quitting the whole thing.

or at least that's why I tell my wife... I actually bought the laser after double dare challenge.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 1:04 pm
by valthonis
Well glad you didn't quit. ;)

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 6:03 pm
by surprize
It looks nice for Necromunda.

For my money its too "swiss cheese" for a good Infinity game and just, well, a bit boring.

I've developed an attitude to Kickstarter that if its clear the project won't get off the ground without crowd sourcing and it is something I want to see developed as a product then I'll consider backing it. If its clearly coming out anyway then usually despite the "deals" being really good on paper by the time you factor in the fact you are buying the stuff "blind", you have no idea of the quality control of the company, you have no idea how their product will translate into full production runs and you have to wait a long time for it to be delivered it actually ends up a lot more "you get what you pay for".

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 6:05 pm
by JTM93
@davidda: The difference is that you are here and kept us updated. If the people were doing that then it is one thing, AFAIK Magno is only posting this and not affiliated with it.

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2013, 8:05 am
by Lampyridae
EDIT: Whoops, replying in wrong thread. I have to say, daviddasilva's terrain looks quite Varuna-ish and yet would cost less with fewer LOS issues. I can't pledge now, but I may purchase from his store when that is up and running. Plus... HEXAGONS!

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2013, 2:49 pm
by daviddasilva
Lampyridae wrote:EDIT: Whoops, replying in wrong thread. I have to say, daviddasilva's terrain looks quite Varuna-ish and yet would cost less with fewer LOS issues. I can't pledge now, but I may purchase from his store when that is up and running. Plus... HEXAGONS!

ohh thats to bad Just got a cease and desist letter form some one.

I'm switching everything to pentagons!!!!!

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: June 10th, 2013, 11:16 am
by Crushar
Well I guess it is a good thing that I didn't get in on this stuff. Looks like the creator of this Kickstarter cancelled it 2 weeks before it was scheduled.

I hope everyone got their money back. And THIS is what scares me of these kind of projects....

*edit* He does say in his comments section that he will be "re-booting" and trying again due to all the confusion in just what people were buying. I think simpler is better in cases like this....

Re: Varuna table on kickstarter?

PostPosted: June 10th, 2013, 1:28 pm
by VisOne
Ughhhhhhhh that kick starter campaign was a joke from the start.

I love the concept behind kickstarter/indigo/others I can't name right now. But there is a reason allot of these concepts didn't make it to market before crowd fund sourcing was around and its because the potential creators/owners simply aren't business savvy enough to present their ideas in a clear and precise manner in the first place. This particular case is a prefect example it was a dogs breakfast from the beginning you simply couldn't figure out what exactly each pledge actually contained.