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PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 8:57 pm
by Entropomancer
The better have has taken to the hobby of sculpting, and I was wondering if she sculpted infinity related swag (phone charms, pendants etc), if A. It is legal to post them for sale, and B. if anyone is interested, might be a month or two before she has any infinity related work finished, just putting it out there, I think a resculpt of caskuda legs are first on the work list...

thank you

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 9:26 pm
by Pierzasty
I think it's legal as long as you don't advertise them as Infinity. Or get someone else to point out the purpose ("hey guys, I found perfect replacements for Caskuda legs! It's almost as if they were purpose-made! :D). There are several companies focused on better replacements for GW minis/parts, and the best known (Chapterhouse) only got in trouble once they started advertising their kits as specifically GW-oriented (like the Tervigon upgrade kits).

If you can market them as generic sci-fi/cyberpunk realistic-28mm wargame parts, all the better :)

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 10:39 pm
by kidterminal
Hi Adam. Here are two figures form a company called Scribor Miniatures. As you'll see from the pictures they make obvious alternative models for a specific game system. But you'll never see that system mentioned on their site.

Just have her post some pretty pictures and some generic hey don't these look cool lines and she's good.


Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 10:48 pm
by Athanadros
Man that must piss of said manufacturer. I would assume their prices are much cheaper as well?

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 10:55 pm
by kidterminal
Athanadros wrote:Man that must piss of said manufacturer. I would assume their prices are much cheaper as well?

The 2nd figure is 16.90 Euro. Not sure how much cheaper they are. But they are resign and the type of resign used and the casting quality is 50 times better.

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 7th, 2013, 11:51 pm
by Pierzasty
What do you mean, they don't sell Space Marines, only Sci-Fi Gothic Knights in Powered Armor :mrgreen:

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 1:08 am
by kidterminal

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 5:21 am
by Entropomancer
Well the legs at just for a personal conversion, she was planning faction/sectorial charms and chibi models for ICS awards, but maybe sell them with if there is a demand.

Re: oddites

PostPosted: January 8th, 2013, 5:22 am
by kidterminal
Sounds fine to me.