First of the copied posts, this one is from October 2010. How time flies. The Exeter Inquisition club had just moved out of the local GW store and although we had a good collection of terrain a bunch of us had got heavily into Infinity and we wanted some more suitable scenery.
The basic layout of the road tiles went on to be copied by several players across the world, including Belkira from DiaCash, the Spanish distributor for Infinity...Our club needs some more terrain, so next week we're having another scenery bashing session. As I'm slowly introducing people to Infinity some of that terrain is going to be a bit more urban than originally planned...
The plan so far is to make eight 600x600mm tiles with roads on using 25mm blue foam as the basis with 5mm foamboard to raise up the non-road areas. This gives us the choice of a couple of 4x4' tables for Infinity, Necromunda & other SF skirmish games, a regular 6x4 for Infinity & 40k/Cities of Death with more options for tile choices, or lastly an extra large 8x4' table.
To make this modular, each tile will have a road entry in the middle of all four edges to make the maximum number of layout possibilities:
5" roads plus 1.5" pavements gives us reasonably wide roads plus 8" blocks in each corner, so buildings and terrain will be in multiples of 8" blocks or smaller:
Construction plans for the tiles:
1. Cut out foamboard raised areas (covering the whole of the tile from road edge to tile edge at the same height).
2. Glue foamboard raisers onto blue foam.
3. PVA + sand on the exposed blue foam road surface.
4. Textured paint covering all the foamboard.
Once all that is dry, the roads will probably end up dark grey + drybrush with some sponge+stencil work for white lines & crossings. Pavements/raised areas will be lighter grey, probably all the same tone rather than painting the 1.5" width a different colour - that way if a smaller building is placed in that corner it just has a wider bit of pavement around it.
Building construction will depend a lot on the people taking part, but I'm going to try and encourage three separate themes:
- Gothic 40k ruins (we play a LOT of 40k and have a tournament coming up).
- More generic urban terrain that we can use for Infinity as well including removable roofs owing a lot of inspiration to Antenociti's Salute table, Bostria's magnet-cubes, low-level versions of Palocles' foamboard condos and panzerkunst's foamboard apartments.
- industrial storage tanks etc.
We'll go for trying to finish six tiles by the end of the month, and enough buildings for a 4x4' Infinity table by some indeterminate time...
P.S. I'm now up to nine iKubes, a couple of cardboard shipping containers and five (unpainted) die-cast cars so we're not starting totally from scratch. Apart from 40k scenery like barricades & barrels that work really well for Infinity.
P.P.S. I'll also be trying to make road layouts that don't give direct LoF all across the board, so any tips for that would be really useful!