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Link do wypowiedzi Daniela Cade`a aka VisOne na grupie facebookowej Kangurów:
Daniel VisOne Cade
10 godz. · Edytowany
Some of you might have noticed that Terra Cutter (Yurij) has effectively being issued with a Cease & Desist from Corvus Belli and their partners as they feel some of Terracutter's products are an infringement on their Intellectual Property.
I think this is a timely reminder to everyone that its great to promote the game and use assets from the various forms of media Corvus Belli and their partners use to build and customise our on tables but there is a real and enforceable line between personal use and selling something you have put your time and skills into with components OR parts of someone else's IP!
Z tego co się pobieżnie zorientowałem problemem były tokeny do infinity bo ten post Yurija wycieli w dyskusji. Czyżby nasz hiszpański wydawca już naśladował trendy starszeGo i Większego kolegi z UK? O ile tu sprawa jest jasna i klarowna bo jednak tokeny to lekko kontrowersyjny temat ale żeby się za chwilę nie okazało że robienie fanartów to łamanie IP.
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