First Dutch N3 Tournament

Finally! The first Dutch event of 2015, N3, and for many the first Dutch Tournament for Infinity they ever went to!

The release of N3 definitely ignited the interest in this little Spanish cyberpunk skirmish game! On a Dutch wargame forum the FLGS ‘De Tafelridder’ in the city of Leiden proposed to organize an Infinity Tournament. Together with Data Sphere they combined efforts to get the event out there, and draw some more attention to it. And it worked!

A whopping 13 attendees showed up to test their skills against each other in the play area of De Tafelridder! From all over the country people came down to the city of Leiden (please note that traveling 1,5 hour for an event is considered quite a thing in Dutch standards).

Data Sphere provided up to three tables worth of terrain (a mix from a lot of our partners frequented on the blog), and the community from Rotterdam brought enough to set up three other tables (thanks guys!). Last but not least, the local players from Leiden provided a really easy and colourful table with some ‘Tupperware’. 😉

An overview during first round!

Earlier, I contacted Magno, a WarCor from the United States, who is known for his help in organizing the Infinity events at GenCon in 2013 and 2014.  His fabled scoring method ‘Magno System’ was mentioned in a recent episode of MayaCast and I asked him to let me use it for our Tournament.

The Magno System not only calculates your Objective Points, but also takes into account how efficient you’ve been with your army securing those points, and how well you denied your opponents their Objective Points and how much of their army it cost them to grab the points they did.

Apparently our friends from Warsenal are working on an application that will allow people to use the Magno System for future events, but that’s a bit on hold now as we wait for the start of ITS2015.

Since ITS2015 isn’t running yet, we decided to use the missions from the N3 Rulebook.

The Event

In the early Saturday morning we traveled down to Leiden, with a trunk filled with terrain. When we arrived we’re too early, so had to wait a bit until we saw other guys standing in front of De Tafelridder store. Since this was one of the first events that encompassed multiple different groups of players it was a not only an event, but also the first acquaintance with many other players!

Once inside we set up quickly. We had to fill about 7 tables and it was only half an hour before the event started!  When all was set and done the TOs had a little chat, deciding that we would scrap the last mission (Nimbus Zone), due to time restrictions as we all anticipated the games would take much longer than usual as we all had to look up different rules and some N3 changes.

As we were with 13 players, Raymon and I (both TOs) decided to skip turns, allowing each of us a game while the other took the roll of judge, overseeing all the tables and making a chat with players.

The Data Sphere tables

The Rotterdam tables!

A little ‘Tupperware Party’!

With 7 tables available and 12 players playing simultaneously we decided to skip a table each turn, allowing each table to get at least played twice, stirring it up a little bit.

All rounds were set at 2 hours per round, allowing people to look up rules, asking the judge for rules clearances. Still, many games ended at the end of round 2. Still, enough time to claim some points and definitely not bad for the first taste of the 3rd edition for many!

Two rounds were enough to let some hard-fought battles happen between players! This event saw some great match-ups between people, drawing casualties and objective points for both sides.

The People
Like I said earlier, the event was the first big event for some players. People came down to Leiden from the city of Rotterdam, the provinces of Noord-Brabant and Zeeland (in the south), the city of Utrecht as well as some ‘Leidsche‘ locals.

The player area during round 2

It was a blast! Everybody was friendly and we had great fun enjoying the game, chatting during the lunchbreak and stomping each other’s armies in the tabletop.

The Location

A shot from the player area to the store.

De Tafelridder is an amazing LGS! Roomy, with neat shelves and a bright wooden floor. Enough room to set up up to at least 15 tables and a widespread stock of products. The owner was a real host and not only sold games, but also drinks, chips, little steamrolls and bapao buns. We’ll definitely return for another Dutch Infinity Event in the future!

Last but not least, the Ranking!

This is of course what you’ve all been waiting for! The ranking of the tournament!

Sjef won the tournament with a big lead, claiming 17 Objective Points, while denying his opponents all but three! It was Martijn’s first real Infinity game ever, so coming in second is a great accomplishment! Evin, from the active Rotterdam meta, secured a nice third place.
Raymon and mine combined fourth place was not bad at all! 😉

Update: Round to Round results

Schermafbeelding 2015-02-03 om 12.22.31

Click = BIG (otherwise right+click: open in new tab)

photo 2 (3)

Sjef claiming his first price!

And it was well-deserved!

Alexander won ‘Best Painted Army’


Army ranking

  1. Military Orders
  2. Tohaa
  3. Qapu Khalqi
  4. Ariadna/Qapu Khalqi
  5. Yu Jing
  6. Nomads
  7. Nomads
  8. Combined Army
  9. Aleph
  10. Qapu Khalqi
  11. Aleph
  12. Aleph

Action shots!

photo 1 (3)

Naga Sniper overviewing the Yu Jing slumps.

The Magisters beat down another opponent!

Winner of Best Painted Army sends his beautiful units to their deaths!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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9 Responses

  1. Mr.To says:

    It was an amazing event to host. Good people, good vibe, good Terrain. We shall do it again in probably 3 months time or something but just meeting people was a blast!

  2. Adam says:

    The use of the mango score is interesting. can you elaborate how it works. I get the KP ratio, OP ratio ones but not how the mango score is derived.

    • Scorch says:

      I’ll look into it, but I think it’s best to ask Magno himself that question. I suck at math xD

      • Adam says:

        I think i worked it out for the majority, but the first two seem to be a couple of points too high if only three games were played.

        • Scorch says:

          I added the round to round results of the tournament. That might be of some help. Other than that, the Dutch thread on the forum show a little more detail on the explanation of the system.

          • Scorch says:

            Adam, we figured it out! 🙂 The Dutch thread on Data Sphere now as an elaborate explanation of the system.

  3. sxabbi says:

    Was great fun tnx 4 hosting the event.

  4. Bryant "Claudius Sol" Vichainarong says:

    Congrats on the tournament! Sounds like it was well run and everyone looks to be having fun! That is certainly a very pretty game store!

  5. I am glad to see so many known faces.

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