December Preview #2: PanOceania Squalo

The long awaited resculpt of the Squalo TAG, originally released in 2006. One of the oldest TAGs to date, its resculpt was long overdue! This month is the re-release of the mighty TAG! It’s design in tune with the recent NeoTerra resculpts and follows the ‘build-up’ model CB is experimenting right now (lots of design elements come from the ORC trooper).

While the sculpt received complaints on the forums, I think they are unfounded. The 360 vision on Giraldez’ Youtube shows a lot less ‘static pose’. I personally like the shoulder mounted Heavy Grenade Launcher.

The Squalo is a awesome TAG, and the recent resculpt makes this one a must-buy for the PanO and NeoTerra players out there!


Now, where is the Uhlan?! 😉

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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2 Responses

  1. This whole year….sensory overload! Love the new Squalo. Can’t wait to get my hands on that!

    • Scorch says:

      Agreed! It’s a great closing month for an amazing Infinity year! Now, on to 2015 with even MORE great Infinity stuff! 😀

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