Data-Sphere Painting Campaign Fall ’15


It’s that time again!

We’ve just finished up the voting period for the Fall ’15 painting campaign! The number of entries is smaller, but the quality of entries hasn’t faltered because of this!

Good participation from both sides of the pond yields these winners of the Fall ’15 DSPC!

1st Place : PanOwner2

First place this season goes to PanOwner2, his Kamau hacker makes a stellar appearance on her own scenic base depicting the aftermath of something truly gruesome!

  • The story! In such a small space, the model tells a story all on its own.
  • The blood, rust, and chipping are fantastic. Well designed and executed.
  • The metallic effects on the model, itself are also well executed. you can easily see the movement of the light that would play on such surfaces.
  • Let’s not forget the great attention to detail with the pin striping!

2nd Place: Maxvon_d

Coming close behind in second, we have Maxvon_d, with a spectacularly done Cordelia (with Scarface supporting). He even claims the placement with an “incomplete” Scarface.

  • The detailing on the clothes is spectacular. The logo, hosing, and highlights work very well.
  • The fading hair is great and has a very real sense of depth and tangibility.
  • The TAG, Scarface, despite being incomplete already has the trappings for being as amazing or more so than his engineer escort.
  • The scruffed up basing ties the two pieces together very well, giving the models an atmosphere that befits their background and appearance.

3rd Place: Kenza

Not his first rodeo, Kenza places third with his would-be Trauma Doc using Machaon’s model painted up to join the boys in blue.

  • Blue can be a difficult color to highlight while retaining its vibrancy, but Kenza has kept his blues true.
  • The multi-toned leathers are faithfully brought out and only slightly worn.
  • The face is well painted. Highlights, stubble, the depth in the eyes. It’s all there.


Those are your winners for the Fall ’15 season!

All top placers will be receiving patches to signify their achievements and first place will also be receiving some Vallejo paints as a bit of an extra reward.


Interested in participating in the next season? Join us in the Miniatures Forum of Data-Sphere! Next season’s, starting October 1, theme will be:

Heavy Weapons

Bryant "Claudius Sol"

Aerospace Engineer, Programmer, Gundam enthusiast

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