Customeeple’s Infinity Decorative Banners

These decorative banners were one of the first products that made me take note of Customeeple. I am a big fan of the ‘neon-lit cityscape’ elements of cyberpunk and all of a sudden they popped up on the forums! Small, acrylic and colourful billboards on the sides of buildings, screaming with products, commercials and brands.
Thanks to Customeeple, Data Sphere got their hands on a package of the PanOceania banners, and one of the big decorative banners from the Nomads range.
The banners show all kinds of texts and logos. The ones we received read the following; Maya Network Games (which could easily convert every generic building into a gamehall), Hospital Bank and Liquor Store. The Nomads big banner shows a pin-up Chimera and the text ‘Foxy Club’ which looks like any building you stick it too will instantly become a strip-club…
Wait, what? I want a magic banner that does that to my own house!
The banners consist of a big acrylic banner, and an MDF framework, that will need to be assembled to hold the acrylic. You will need PVC glue as the frames consist of small, separate parts.
Assembly proved a bit difficult, as the acrylic is a bit thicker than their MDF framework (about 1mm). Fitting them really IN the frame proved to be impossible. Fortunately I found that you could easily glue the pieces of framework onto the banners which makes the whole result much more durable and solid. Nothing major, but keep it in mind during assembly.
Customeeple’s design is really neat and universal, allowing the banners to hang from almost every kind of MDF kit available, as long as it has a ledge somewhere that’s about one centimeter in height. That way, you can use buildings from other manufactures as well. You won’t need to modify, customize or alter the building in any way as the banner just hooks into it and support itself. Awesome design, and great usability!
Customeeple’s banners provide you with an amazing and really easy way to give character to your city-tables. I’m planning on buying all of the packs as they provide a colourful element, which will look amazing on every table, giving your game that nice, gritty cyberpunky feel which has been shown a lot in the Infinity art. You like Blade Runner? Get these banners if you want to give your city the vibe of that classic.
The acrylic is bright and looks to radiate light, giving it that colourful neon-light vibe about it.
Hanging these banners on your buildings might also become a great Line-of-Fire blocker, as every banner sticks out from the building and most are big enough to provide cover. Snipers will have a bad day if they’ll need to take aim through a street filled with billboards and banners. This makes these banners more than ‘just’ characterful scenery, they become an odd form of scatter terrain, breaking the cubical forms of the buildings! Love it!
The banners are available in English, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish, corresponding respectively with the factions PanOceania, Yu Jing, HaqqIslam and Nomads. I really hope there will be more design available in the future as they form a really nice scenery and terrain element for every city-table out there!
I’ve got one of each small pack and the big nomad one coming from Black Friday; can’t wait!
Cool! I love these to death! 😛 So small, yet so effective for a great scenery!
This article was enough for me to place my first order with Customeeple, for a few sets of these signs! Great write-up.