Big News from Corvus Belli: N3 Human Sphere

“The next edition of “Infinity. Human Sphere” will be a full color compilation book that updates its ruleset to Infinity N3, adding new rules, special skills, weapons and equipment. It will also have background and army lists of complete and expanded Sectorial Armies, including the Steel Phalanx of ALEPH and the Tohaa army list.

Human Sphere brings a new dimension to Infinity N3, and is essential for diving into the Infinity universe and developing the tactical capabilities of every player.

The launch date will be announced by Corvus Belli when appropriate.”  ~ Corvus Belli


Yes people, let that sink in for a minute… N3 Human Sphere.

Exciting stuff, that’s for sure! The video mentions new Fireteam rules (yay!), new Hacking Devices (even more?!), EVO Repeaters (will we get the toolboxes of 2nd back?), new Troop Profiles (will we see an Aquila Guard Panzerfaust+HMG?!), Holoprojectors… and it even shows Tohaa, Nanoscreens and Symbiont Armour! This means the content of Campaign Paradiso will be included in this project as well! 🙂 It sounds like the difficult assimilation of Human Sphere and Campaign Paradiso within the new N3 system will soon be over. Soon! 😉

Is there any more we can hope for? 

In my opinion; yes!

I hope for a consolidated PDF file to download in the future. N3 + this upcoming book, meshed together in one file. Not just sticked back-to-back, but integrated in each other; lists where every piece of equipment, every weapon and every skill is listed alphabetically. No more cross-checking multiple PDF-files, not knowing whether the weapon is in N3 or N3 HS. It will make it much easier for people to approach the game.

Other than that I am really happy, for the sake of the game, that CB is taking this approach.

New content?

We don’t know if HS will contain new content to keep veteran players happy. We certainly hope so but we don’t have any intel on that. Hopefully CB themselves will lift that veil soon.

We will do our utmost best to keep our readers up to date with the progress of N3 Human Sphere.

Have a great one, people! And stay classy! 😉

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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6 Responses

  1. VisOne says:

    Interest seeing some Campaign Paradiso rules in there as well.

    Do we plan on taking the road less traveled CB? Perhaps emulating the newer RPG publishers where the rules are more or less free and then just sell supplements/adventure/campaign books. Filling these later books full of fluff, specific rules not needed for the core game or ITS?

    • VisOne says:

      Anyway I’m not CB or even remotely in the know.

      Dave Satterthwaite on the other hand is one of the two editors of the books and said the following.

      “Let’s just say CB has a few more surprises and leave it at that wink emoticon These guys know their stuff.”

      • Scorch says:

        We’ll see.. We don’t have more intel than this.

        But I do know I’m excited, and I feel this is the right call for CB to expand their player base.

    • pTenteges says:

      The rules were free since I have started playing this game (some time before 2ed was published). Only stuff that is not published for free is fluff and campaign specific stuff.

  2. Angus says:

    Any indication of a release date?

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