Author: Pipboy


Infinity Ammo Tactica: E/M ammo

Hello again and welcome to another instalment of our ammo tactica series. Today, we will discuss E/M ammo. E/M stands for electromagnetic and it is translated in game terms as a non-lethal ammunition which...


Ammo Tactica: Viral Ammo

Welcome to this week’s ammo article where we will cover Viral ammo, a devious and lethal tool which you’ll love to unleash upon your enemies. First off, what does it do?. When hit your...


Ammo Tactica: Fire Ammunition

Ah, fire ammo. What a great tool for killing your enemies and cooking bacon with one order. Welcome to the fourth installment of this tactica,where we will discuss the joys of burning your enemies...


Ammo Tactica: Double Action Ammunition

Double action sounds like the title for a cheesy 80’s movie, but it is actually one of the best things you’ll have the pleasure to use in Infinity. Welcome to the third part of...


Ammo Tactica: Armour Piercing

Hi again and welcome to the second part of this ongoing ammo nonsense! Today we are talking about AP rounds, the Armour Piercing ammunition: Armour Piercing Ammo AP ammo reduces the natural armour of...


Ammo Tactica: Shock Ammo

Hi there fellows! Are you new to Infinity? Do you come from other systems with much less depth and you suddenly feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in front of you? Are you...