Author: Patrycjusz 'Alkasyn' Piechowski


Worldwide Warcor FAQ v1.0

There was this idea several months ago by @Khayloth to create an FAQ where the outstanding questions would be answered by Warcors. Alas, it was not meant to be at that time, and we’ve...


Tournament Recap: Warsaw Open 2016

You might have heard about a relatively big tournament that took place in early December in Central Europe. Seeing as how I had the pleasure of organising it, I think it is only fitting...


Terrain Review: Plasma Terrain

Some time ago I received a very heavy package in my mail. It came from Plasma Terrain, a terrain company from Poznań, Poland. I have been given a sample of their latest buildings to assemble...


Bostria’s Challenge: Qapu Khalqi

This Bostria’s Challenge entry is brought to you by Darek, a fellow Haqqislam player from Warsaw. When I first heard of the challenge to write a playable, ITS effective army list using only existing...


Fireside Chats: Redundancy and Having a Plan B

Good evening, friends. In this series of articles, we will explore the advanced topics that will make your game a more enjoyable experience. We will talk about things such as dirty tricks or underhanded...