August Preview #1: Operation Icestorm

Operation Icestorm – the first Infinity starter battle-pack – is out! And what a box!

The contents are as follow:

  • Nomad Vanilla Starter Pack (contains; 3 Alguaciles, 1 Grenzer, 1 Spektr, 1 Mobile Brigada)
  • Exclusive Nomad miniature: Reverend Healer
  • PanOceania Vanilla Starter Pack (contains; 3 Fusiliers, 1 Akalis Sikh Commando, 1 Nisse, 1 ORC Trooper)
  • Exclusive PanOceania miniature: Father Knight.
  • A Scenery Pack (which will be available separately later on), a great starting point for a table full of terrain!
  • The Operation Icestorm booklet, part fiction, part introductionary campaign.

What can we say? Awesome stuff. We already have our review up here!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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2 Responses

  1. john sellars says:

    how would expand these to 200 pts . ea. per your getting started arcticals.
    new to the game and putting the models together now .

    • Scorch says:

      Hey John! I can’t answer that right now, as we haven’t seen any more profiles besides the ones in Op:Ice. I even put the 200 point series on hold as we can’t really give any good advice as we all base it on 2nd Edition.
      Have fun with Op:Ice in the meantime! 😉

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