April’s Preview #4: Morat Vanguard

Morat Vanguard SWC load-outs

A few hours ago the (already) fourth preview was released and we aren’t even halfway April yet! Morat Vanguard special weapon load outs. These sculpts look just as menacing as the other redesigned Morats! Together with the starter pack and the Daturazi Witch Soldiers you can have a pretty beautiful Morat Aggression Force already! This box comes with a Morat Hacker, a HMG, a Missile Launcher and a Multi-Sniper Rifle.

We’re happy to see CB releasing these combined boxes like the Bolts and the Vanguard in such a quick schedule! This will prevent people from proxying or waiting too long for a sculpt they need.

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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