April Preview #3: Fraacta Drop Unit
The second droptrooper for this month, the Fraacta Drop Unit. The Fraacta is one the new additional forces of the Combined Army, the Sygmaa; renegade Tohaa, collaborating with the Combined Army.
Much like the Tiger Soldier, the Fraacta shows CB’s progress in 3D design; an amazingly dynamic pose, great level of detail. Love it!
I’ve yet to encounter any of those new Sygmaa units on the table, but looking at their profile I can see they have some unique abilities, that especially come in handy for a drop trooper. All Sygmaa that we’ve seen right now come with the Transmutation skill. This skill allows them to change their profile; one for a mobility form; higher PH, higher MOV, the other focused on Surviving; higher ARM/BTS, lower MOV. This comes in handy when your drop trooper scatters and finds herself in a less favourable position than you imagined her to be!