April Preview #3: Fraacta Drop Unit

The second droptrooper for this month, the Fraacta Drop Unit. The Fraacta is one the new additional forces of the Combined Army, the Sygmaa; renegade Tohaa, collaborating with the Combined Army.

Much like the Tiger Soldier, the Fraacta shows CB’s progress in 3D design; an amazingly dynamic pose, great level of detail. Love it!

I’ve yet to encounter any of those new Sygmaa units on the table, but looking at their profile I can see they have some unique abilities, that especially come in handy for a drop trooper. All Sygmaa that we’ve seen right now come with the Transmutation skill. This skill allows them to change their profile; one for a mobility form; higher PH, higher MOV, the other focused on Surviving; higher ARM/BTS, lower MOV. This comes in handy when your drop trooper scatters and finds herself in a less favourable position than you imagined her to be!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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