Announcing Operation GenCon 2014 – a column by Magno!

With pride Data Sphere announces a series of columns by none other than Magno!

In the coming months Magno will take us to GenCon 2014 with a recurring column on Data Sphere. The columns will tell us about the organizing of GenCon, all the people involved, the different events that are planned around Infinity and the stand of Corvus Belli and we’ll hear the latest news and rumours as well! Be sure to keep an eye out for the column because GenCon 2014 is going to be one hell-of-a-ride!

The video above is the Call to Arms uploaded by Magno. Enjoy the coming months! 😉

Note that although Magno is writing the column, organizing GenCon 2014 is a team effort and should not be associated with one person only!

GenCon will be held in Indianapolis from the 14th of August till the 17th of August. We want to thank all the people involved in organizing this great event!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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