Alkasyn’s Homebrew Campaign – Mission #2 – Raid

The door opens. The Commander raises his head and watches as two people in black coats enter the dimly lit room. His prison, actually, he thinks to himself. He squints, trying to make out the faces in the surrounding shadows.
–As-salam aleikum! – says the taller of the men, while at the same time touching his forehead and lips.
–Wa aleikum as-salam wa baraka allahi fika –the Commander answers with the appropriate formula, making the same gesture with his right hand. He stands up and faces the man – How can I help you, mister…
– My name is Lhuznitsyn, and this here is my aide, Mr. Wysocki –unfamiliar names, probably fakes – and we are here to help you.
The second man closes the door behind him. The Commander notices the guard walking away. Lhuznitsyn, or whatever his name is, snaps his fingers. The cameras monitoring the Commander’s every step these last few days stop, motionless.
– Get in line, pal. I already had a bunch of people here, wanting to „help” – the commander replies. What does he want?
– Indeed… However, we possess a certain advantage that your other visitors did not – Silence. The man carries on – We know that in exactly 37 minutes from now, the installation that we are in at this time will experience a short electrical spike. No one will be hurt, but, inexplicably, the fuses in one of the cell blocks will short-circuit. Such bad luck. – The Commander stares into the blank, emotionless face of the Russian – If any of the escaping inmates would make his way to Wing 2B of the installation, he’d find a shuttle there. The shuttle is undergoing renovation, but the maintenance crew would have left to deal with the technical problems elsewhere. The shuttle was supposed to depart for the surface later today. Before his wardens would have noticed, the inmate could go off radar on the surface of Paradiso.
–Inshallah, it will be as you say. But tell me this: Of what use is a simple soldier like me to the Black Hand? – a bluff, but… – What can I offer you?
– Ha, so it is true what they say about the men of Bourak; that you all have a soul of a trader – Lhuznitsyn smiles – You see, Sector 157, 48.8582° N, 2.2945° E has recently started broadcasting some fascinating data…
– May 18, 2189. High security prison. Location classified. Paradiso.
Both players use 250 points to build their forces. You are also allowed to purchase an Operator, who continues the campaign with accumulated EXP points. Before the mission you can also recruit from the following units, paying the appropriate points cost: Alguaciles – AVA 3, Securitate – AVA 1, Mobile Brigada – AVA 1, Riot Grrl – AVA 1, Clockmaker – AVA 2, Reverend Moira – AVA 1, Lupe Balboa – AVA 1 and Tomcat – AVA 1. Any troop profile can be bought, but those mercenaries cannot be the Lieutenant of the force. They are also not allowed to form Link Teams. Both the Combined Army and the Tohaa forces can recruit these additional units. In the first case, for story purposes we treat them as units that have been sepsitorized, possessing no sepsitor benefits, and in the second case as sleeping Triumvirate agents or mercenaries.
The battle takes place on the outskirts of a military complex, located in the thick Paradiso jungle. The whole table, bar the deployment zones, is treated as Difficult terrain within a Low visibility zone.
There are 5 Security Consoles on the table. One of them is located in the middle of the table, 2 consoles are located 18 inches from the player’s table edge, 8 inches from the right and left table edges. They should form a kind of a letter Z. They are numbered from left to right, clockwise. They are numbered differently for each of the payers.
Access codes: The consoles need to be activated in particular order. In order to gather the required data, the player needs to collect data from 3 consoles. After deployment, the player rolls a dice and consults the table. He will have to start compiling the code from the console indicated by the chart. After a successful attempt at compilation, the player rolls again, to see which of the consoles will be his next access point. A result showing a console that the player already checked, is re-rolled. The consoles are activated with a WIP test in base-to-base contact, or a WIP – 6, if the hacker is attempting the roll with the use of a Repeater or from within his Zone of Control. We assume that it is easier for the system to repel intrusions if there’s no one messing with the cables inside the console.
Additionally, a single enemy hacker may oppose the roll, turning it from a Normal roll into a F2F. He does not need line of sight to perform this special ARO, we assume he is keyed in into the security system and scanning for intrusions. In that case, the – 6 WIP modifier is not applied, instead using the BTS rules of the opposing hacker, as per the regular hacking rules. If your hacker fails the roll and is beaten in F2F by an enemy hacker, the system boots you out and you have to roll again on the console chart. The new roll may, however, force you to use the same console.
Roll result | Console |
1 to 4 | 1 |
5 to 8 | 2 |
9 to 12 | 3 |
13 to 16 | 4 |
17 to 20 | 5 |
Code compilation: The consoles should be activated by the same model. If that model dies, a Short Skill can be used to pick up the data from his body. The compilation sequence can then be continued normaly. The code can be passed around by being in Base-to-base with a friendly model and spending a Short Skill. The consoles can be activated by different models, but then the code needs to be compiled using a Baggage unit. That happens as soon as 3 code pieces are carried by the Baggage unit, with no roll necessary. Each player may have only a maximum of 5 code pieces on the table.
Specialists: In this mission, Hackers, Engineers, Forward Observers, Doctors, Paramedics and Chain of Command units are considered Specialists. Unless specified otherwise, Repeaters and G:Servants can be used to perform the mission objectives.
„01010000 01100001 01110010 01100001 01100100 01101001 01110011 01101111”
Start Compiling the code – 2 Objective Points
„01001101 01100001 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101110 01100101”
Finish Compiling the code – 4 Objective Points
„01000010 01101111 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010”
Start and finish Compiling the code with the same model – 1 Objective Point
„01000100 01101111 01101101 01101001 01101110 01110101 01110011”
For causing more casualties to the enemy than he did to you, counted in Army points – 3 Objective Points
The mission ends after 3 turns. If any of the players is in Retreat!, the mission ends that game turn, after both players have played their turns.
The Spec Ops uses the advancement rules from Campaign:Paradiso. If he dies and the MEDEVAC and CUBEVAC rolls are failed, the next Spec Ops has half the EXP points of the fallen one. The EXP points can be used to buy new skills for the Spec Ops or new Command and Control options. Models that exit the table due to Retreat! Rules, do not have to roll for MEDEVAC or CUBEVAC, they are considered alive and well.
It was quiet. Too quiet. You could still smell the burnt flesh and plasma discharge in the air. The aliens fought hard, but they lacked the resolve necessary to give their life to the Cause. The officer in charge, a red-skinned hulking brute of a man, fought hard, but when he eventually fell, his rabble scattered to the four winds. The musings of the Commander when Hasan, one of the Charmers assigned to him so long ago, back on Bourak, entered the room.
– We’ve got contact, as-sayyid! 0,3 North, moving in fast. Can’t get past their scrambling, Signature unknown.
– Unit one, move into position – the Commander ordered without any delay – Oh-two, wait for visual confirmation from Oh-one or for my command until you open fire. – The Commander rushed to his designated position, his hand on the commlink receiver in his ear. He could see the entire Databank complex from there. – We have to give the Readers some more time. Inshallach, we will triumph, brothers!
He scanned the jungle. A dark, menacing wall; moving… ebb and flow…No, it’s probably a Sara’ab, a mirage.
–As-Sayyid, we’ve got incoming!
The dark wall opened up for a short while, expunging some unwanted inhabitants. Half a dozen figures, clad in advanced power armour, moving in a tactical spread. Impressive pattern to maintain in a wild place like this.
–Hasan; ours, or theirs? – the Commander asked on the intercom.
–Ours, as-Sayyid. I think – Hasan answered, uncertain.
Very well, there’s only one way to be sure. The Commander stood up, ordering his men to stay back with a gesture of a closed fist. He slung his rifle on his arm, as not to give the search party any more reasons to shoot-on-sight. Here’s hoping their leader is not too impetuous. He started moving in the direction of the newcomers, his hands where they could be easily seen. The leader of the other group stopped his men and boomed through his integrated speakers:
– In the name of God Almighty, our lord and sovereign, stop and identify yourself!
It was then, from close distance, that the Commander noticed that on top of their armour, the soldiers were wearing black tabards, white crosses on them shining in the moonlight.
The Commander, his face hid by the helmet, smiled. The chances of surviving a counterstrike just increased from dire to promising.
– Date unknown. Location unknown. Paradiso
As always, I hope you like it and any comments are welcome!
I’m not much for playing home brew campaigns, but I really like the narrative here. Good job!
Awesome read! Thanks for that!
P.S.: MOAR! 😉
Glad you like it 🙂
There will be more – the campaign is thought as a series of 4 missions. I’ll upload the next mission as soon as I translate it into English 🙂