Acontecimento Shock Army

Acontecimento is the second planet colonized by PanOceania and the industrial hinterland and granary of the nation. The planet houses heavy industry and agriculture, making it a middle-class center of PanOceania.
PanOceania was in search of a way to provide their citizens with food and products, and came to the conclusion that the Hyperpower should be self-sustaining and avoid any dependence from others.
Acontecimento was colonized during the fever of full stellar exploration, where colonies became places of possibilities, much like the New World back on Earth in the last centuries of the previous millenium. The planet was mostly colonized by immigrants from Brazil, Chile and India, creating a mixed culture and providing the planet with geographical names from different sources.
Acontecimento is the granary of the PanOceanianan nation and entire regions are dedicated to high-tech farming; large fertile farmland manned by robots, creating totally automated farms. This creates many investment options but lacks employment opportunity for PanOceanian citizens.
Every day the planetary transport network ships hundreds tons of industrial goods off world and into the rest of the Human Sphere. Acontecimento is dotted with industrial cities and the country is criss crossed with means of transportation.connected by mass transit systems?
Although the cities aren’t as magnificent as NeoTerran cities, they are still full of comfort, and a paradise for the middle class. Only some slums filled with Ateks—people who can’t afford to keep up with the technological trends of PanOceania—surround the cities.
The capital city of Cidade de BomJesús has a powerful consumer industry. The city of Orujo is specialized in space industry and is dedicated to the industrial transport. The city of Puerto La Guardia is Acontecimento’s biggest port, and is built around an orbital elevator that mainly transports food and merchandize.
Acontecimento benefits from its exports and uses the profit to finance the development of other economic sectors like tourism, which has experienced a recent boom. Many of PanOceania’s older citizens are starting to settle in Acontecimento cities more affordable than Varunan counterparts. The original landscape of Acontecimento is preserved in large natural reserves and the climate is mild, creating a excellent atmosphere for senior citizens to enjoy the beauty and richness of PanOceanian culture.
The Church
Although the Neovatican Pope calls NeoTerra home, Acontecimento has a close relationship with the Church. The planet has many believers among its population and the Church has a lot of socio-political influence on the planet. They even granted the planet its own Military Order: the Order of the Montesa Knights.
The Acontecimento Shock Army
The ASA is Acontecimento’s elite army, trained for jungle fighting. The army reflects the vigorous character of the planet, drafting their soldiers from the hardened middle class. The ASA is sure to accomplish their objectives by sheer hard work, to which their units are used to. During the Paradiso Campaign, the planets natural reserves became the training grounds of the PanOceanian forces, dropping their soldiers into unsimulated jungle and hostile territory. Due to the ASA’s specialization the army is deployed in all kinds of jungle fighting across the Human Sphere.
The ASA is specialized in assault tactics, operating in extreme violent operations and sometimes even getting into close combat with the enemies. The ASA deploys dynamic and aggressive tactics.
Acontecimento Forces
The forces of the Acontecimento Shock Army are drafted from the hardworking citizens of Acontecimento. They reflect the active culture of the planet and the Army follows suit.
Acontecimento Regulars
“Sudore quam Sanguine” (By Sweat and Blood) the motto of the Regiment of Acontecimento Regulars
The Acontecimento Regulars are a regiment of veteran Fusiliers from the jungle wars on Paradiso. These troops have learned that the jungle dictates whether you survive, so it’s better to adapt than to try and change it. They focus more on speed and camouflage than on bulky armour, which will only slow the soldier down in the moment of truth. A Regular do not follow the codes of the Military Complex and instead customize and adapt their own equipment to their liking. They see themselves as the elite of the line troops and you’ll only need to take a look at their history to see why. The Regular will be ready for battle in the midst of the toughest weather, while others are already demoralized and near fatigue.
Bagh Mari

The Bagh Mari
The Bagh Mari regiment is named after an ancient tribe of Indonesian Tiger Hunters, traveling across Indonesia to hunt some of the most ferocious killers on Earth.
The Bagh Mari regiment of Acontecimento honours their namesake by being an elite fighting force specialized in resolving conflicts in difficult terrain. This makes them ideal units for the Paradiso campaign and the Commercial Conflicts on Ariadna.
The Bagh Mari use the jungle as their ally, adapting to its surroundings. They are equipped with some high tech equipment and are able to cross difficult terrain with ease. If they deserve the name ‘tiger hunter’ by hunting down the Tiger Soldiers of Yu Jing is up to you of course! 😉
Akalis Sikh Commandos

Akalis Sikh Commandos
The Akalis Sikh Commandos are the elite shock troops of the ASA. They operate behind enemy lines, striking hard and fast and causing chaos in the process. The Sikh Commandos are feared for their rapid deployment and their ability to take out key targets, neutralizing enemy forces and grabbing objectives quickly. They are drafted from the best warriors of the Sikh population of Acontecimento. The Sikh Commandos are highly mobile due to their jump deployment and most carry heavy weaponry, able to take out most of the elite units of the enemy.
As followers of the Sikh religion, the Akalis will fight to the very end, never retreating from the battle.
Montesa Knights
“In Hoc Signo Vinces” (With this sign you will win) Motto of the Order of Our Lady of Montesa.
The Order of the Montesa Knights is Acontecimento’s own Military Order of the Christian Church. The Montesa Knights were established as a defensive element of Acontecimento’s borders, and the planet became their autonomous jurisdiction. When the ASA was established, the Montesa Knights were implemented in the army and became specialized as a forward assault force.
They are meant to reinforce ASA forces with great strength, and the Montesa Knights are known for their stubbornness and bravery, often leading the vanguard to be the first in battle.
The Order of the Montesa Knight is capable of deploying troops of the ASA right into the battle, creating a situation in which the ASA operates best—in the face of the enemy, and hitting it hard.
Acontecimento has one of the best Heavy Infantries in my opinion, Guarda de Assalto, 4-4, BS15, spitfire, heavy flamethrower, v-0 grenades and a light shotgun, yes please!!!
Haha! I’ve hestitated between the Knight and the Guarda. I’ve received feedback on the NCA article that I didn’t cover the Swiss Guard, since it would be a good way to represent the Church. So I decided to go with the Knight, so that the Church was represented in this one. 🙂 But I agree; the Guarda is AWESOME!
As is the Dragoes! 🙂 But if I would cover every model that was good, it would become a looooooooooooong article! xD
Thanks a lot for the article; very clear but detailed. I just started with Infinity and my very first miniatures is ASA starter (bought in september 2016, not sure if there are more than one…)