June Preview #4: Ghazi Mutthawi’ah

Corvus Belli is on fire! Just in from Beasts of War: the Ghazi Mutthawi’ah resculpts! They even added a little bit of fiction to the release! Nice!
The Ghazi Mutthawi’ah is one of the oldest sculpts in the HaqqIslam range, and they haven’t aged well. This resculpt is very well received by us! And we guess Kip from MayaCast, who reserves a special place in hell for the old sculpts,Ā will like them as well! š
The Ghazi Mutthawi’ah carries a powerful weapon called a Jammer and theĀ E/Marat which makes the Ghazi a feared opponent for their pointcost of 5 to 11! The Jammer allows you to make your opponent models irregularĀ as it destroys their communication systems, breaking linksĀ and if used on your opponents lieutenant it will make them unable to connect with the rest of their force, putting them in Loss of Lieutenant upon the start of their next active turn.Ā
The E/Marat is an E/M weapon, that shuts down every electronic device of your opponent.
Not a fan of the radar dish. I would’ve preferred the Jammer stay confined to the backpack and if its an e/marat, it look more like an actual gun regardless. The rest is alright and I do appreciate 4 unique poses and heads.
They’re definitely improvements over the old sculpts, that’s for sure, but I don’t see myself going out and buying a replace to replace 20pts of a ‘not centerpiece’ unit, similar to the new Kums. Otherwise, worth getting for anyone who doesn’t already own Ghazi Muttawiah.