Starting With Ariadna

This article will present 4 possible lists for the generic Ariadna forces. I will delve into the French and Scottish sectorials in future articles.

Many Infinity players look down on Ariadna because this faction does not have access to high tech gimmicks or expensive TAGs. This is true and may be a bit disappointing with the new edition rules which make electronic warfare so exciting. However, Ariadna makes up for this shortcoming with camouflage, various forms of forward deployment, and a destructive array of special ammunition. And yes, Ariadna does have access to hackers in N3.

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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4 Responses

  1. Rainshine says:

    Good article! Though, I didn’t see a mention of our very powerful Traktor Muls 😛

    To make my case for them, for 25 pts you not only get another Specialist(a Dozer Engineer), but the Katyusha/Uragan MRL is extraordinarily powerful for only 11/18 pts. It’s an extra order, burst 3(even in ARO), unhackable guided rocket. Most lists I use have at least 3 FO in the army to secure ITS objectives, so it’s a pretty easy matter to Forward Observe a target, like an enemy link team, then bombard it with 3 auto-hitting DA templates placed next to eachother. For an extra 7 pts you can turn all 3 auto-hitting shots to land on the same target with AP ammo.

    Can’t really be beat, points wise, I include one or the other in most of my lists!

  2. NERF HERDER says:

    this list is 6 points over.. according to infinity army 5..

  3. NERF HERDER says:

    the last list in the article that is

  1. October 3, 2015

    […] Here is an overview to the Ariadna Starter Box […]

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