Haqqislam in N3

The forces of Allah get access to a couple of new units in N3!
Hassassin Govads
MOV 4-4, CC 14, BS 12, PH 11, WIP 14, ARM 2, BTS 3, W 1, S 2, AVA 3
Equipment: MSV L1
Special Skills: Religious Troop, Veteran L1
Rifle, Light Shotgun, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 0, Cost 21
HMG, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 1.5, Cost 29
Boarding Shotgun, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 0, Cost 20
Sniper Rifle, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 0.5, Cost 25
Missile Launcher, Light Shotgun, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 1.5, Cost 25
Hacking Device, Boarding Shotgun, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 0.5, Cost 28
Lt., Rifle, Light Shotgun, Breaker Pistol, Knife, SWC 0, Cost 21
The Govads are a new unit in the Hassassin Bahram sectorial, granting them another linkteam. They have the Veteran L1 skill, similar to the Bolts, which allows them to remain regular in Loss of Lieutenant and Retreat. They are Religious too, which is probably for fiction-reasons.
The Govads and the Muyyib seem to compete for the same spot. Both are elite Light Infantry with access to many tools. They both have a base cost around the 20~ points. They do have access to very different skills and weapons, though.
Govads will be linkable in the Hassassin Sectorial, and rumours say we’ll probably see the Ghulam go.
Zhayedan Intervention Troop
MOV4-4, CC15, BS12, PH11, WIP14, ARM2, BTS3, W1, S2, AVA3
Equipment: AutoMedikit
Special Skills: Veteran L1
31/0 (Marksmanship L2) Breaker Rifle + Light Shotgun, Pistol Knife
32/1.5 HMG, Pistol, Knife
31/.5 (Marksmanship L2) Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Knife
30/1.5 Missile Launcher, Nimbus Grenades, Pistol, Knife
27/0 Doctor PLUS, Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
31/0 (Marksmanship L2) LT, Breaker Rifle + Light Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
32/1.5 LT HMG, Pistol, Knife
New unit for the Caliphate! Zhayedan translates to Immortals, and while they were historically a part of the Sassadin Empire and not the Islamic Caliphate, we see them pop up in that sectorial.
Marksmanship Lv2, Automedikit, and some incredible hardhitting weapons (HMG, Missile Launchers, Breaker Rifle! and Sniper Rifles. They’ll be a force to be reckoned with, even in Vanilla! Pricy, and seeing their movement another elite Light Infantry.
Doctor Plus: grants the unit a +3 WIP on every Medical roll. Looks like Haqqislam remains the big-badass medical force in the Human Sphere! It looks to be a common feature among the forces of Allah.
Zamira Nazarova, Kum Enforcer
Irregular, X-Impetuous
MOV8-6, CC21, BS12, PH13, WIP13, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S4, AVA1
Equipment: Motorcycle, BS Weapon Smoke LGL
Special skills, Kinematika L2, V: Dogged
Irregular, X-Impetuous
MOVE4-4, CC21, BS12, PH13, WIP13, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA1
15/0 Light Shotgun, Smoke Grenades, Pistol, E/M CCW
Zuleyka Nazarova, Kum Enforcer
Irregular, X-Impetuous
MOV8-6, CC22, BS11, PH13, WIP14, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S4, AVA1
Equipment: Motorcycle, Smoke LGL
Special skills: Kinematika L2, V: Dogged
Irregular, X-Impetuous
MOV4-4, CC22, BS11, PH13, WIP14, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA1
Special Skills: V: Dogged
14/0 2-Light Shotguns, Smoke Grenades, 2 Breaker pistols, DA CCW
Cheap Kum personalities. The Sisters, as they are known around the forums. Kinematika grants them more mobility and Dogged keeps them fighting after a first hit. They are X-Impetuous, which means you can only cancel their Impetuous order with a Regular order. Regular Impetuous can be canceled without payment. Double shotgun and smoke. Get them close and they will probably mince any enemy.
Motorcycles are only -3PH to Dodge, Changing Face, or Engage
And now changes to existing units!
Ghulam Infantry
MOV4-4, CC13, BS11, PH10, WIP14, ARM1, BTS0, W1, S2, AVA TOTAL
12/0 Rifle + Light Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
20/1 HMG, Pistol, Knife
13/1 Rifle + LGL, Pistol, Knife
17/1.5 Missile launcher, Pistol, Knife
16/.5 Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Knife
15/.5 Rifle + LSL, Panzerfaust, Pistol, Knife
20/.5 (Hacking Device) Rifle + LSG, Pistol, Knife
16/0 (Doctor Plus) Medikit, Rifle + LSG, Pistol, Knife
13/0 (Forward Observer) Rifle + LSG, Pistol, Knife
14/0 (Deployable Repeater) Rifle + LSG, E/Mauler, Pistol, Knife
12/0 (LT) Rifle + Light Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
20/1 (LT) HMG, Pistol, Knife
17/1.5 (LT) Missile launcher, Pistol, Knife
Ghulams! The mainstay of the Haqqislamite army, gets a bit cheaper (12 base instead of 13). No stat changes, but we do see their LT options spread more widely. Also they gain access to cheap specialist option; FO (not only doctor/hacker anymore!), also Deployable repeaters+E/Mauler! Nice! Doctor plus (WIP 17!!!! on medical rolls!) They also keep their access to the Panzerfaust loadout, which was disputed due to the discontinuation of the model.
MOV4-4, CC15, BS13, PH14, WIP14, ARM4, BTS3, W2, S2, AVA2
Skills: Religious Troop
36/0 AP Rifle + LSG, Pistol, Knife
37/.5 AP rifle + LSG + 1 Tinbot A(Deflector L1), Pistol, Knife
40/2 HMG, Pistol, Knife
31/0 Boarding Shotgun, Pistol, Knife
41/0 akbar doctor(Medikit) AP rifle + LSG, Pistol, CCW
36/.5 (LT) AP Rifle + LSG, pistol, knife
Janissaries were considered a standard HI, and seeing Haqqislam’s access to extremely well equipped LI, you didn’t see them around much. Too expensive, you could bring lots of other toys for those points, etc.
Well. Not anymore! They come 9 points cheaper (base 36 instead of 45), and gain access to a Tinbot A (Deflector lv1) and the Akbar Doctor. Tinbots are a Defense against hacking attacks. The increased mobility of the HIs across the board will make the Jannisary shine!
Also, note the cheap Boarding Shotgun!
Deflector L1
– Allows user to deploy with an active deflector, which requires no orders or rolls
– and hacking against the user of a Deflector, or against the associated troop is the trooper is not carrying the deflector or, by extension and member of the user’s fireteam must apple a -3MOD to the attribute used to perform the hacking attack
Deflector L2
– works exactly like L1 but applies a -6MOD
Akbar Doctor
Same mechanic as Doctor, although the healed model regains all its wounds (great for multi-wound models!)
MOV 4-4, CC 20, BS 13, PH 13, WIP 14, ARM 1, BTS 3, W 1, S 2, AVA 3
Special Skills: Bioimmunity, Poison, Religious Troop, Super Jump
Rifle, Light Shotgun, Grenades, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 0, Cost 27
Boarding Shotgun, Panzerfaust, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 0, Cost 27
Spitfire, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 1, Cost 31
Doctor Plus (MediKit), Boarding Shotgun, Grenades, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 0, Cost 30
Lt., Rifle, Light Shotgun, Grenades, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 0, Cost 27
Lt., Spitfire, Pistol, AP CCW, SWC 1, Cost 31
Same price, CC+5, BS+1 WIP-1, BTS+3. Skills: Super Jump, Poison and BioImmunity which we already saw on the NeoTerra Bolts.
Access to Doc+ (which probably gave them the -1 on WIP. WIP18 might be a bit too much). No news on possible changes to the Poison skill, but we’ve seen the skill on the Hungries in 2nd Editon: CC attacks are counted as Shock which can be combined with the Special Ammunition the CC weapon already has.
Also, in CC combat, blood spatters cause normal damage.
Their Silhouette is S2, so Tarik is the only big guy among them!
Tarik Mansuri, Khawarij Amir
MOV 6-4, CC 23, BS 13, PH 14, WIP 15, ARM 3, BTS 3, W 2, S 5, AVA 1
Special Skills: Bioimmunity, Kinematika L1, MA L1, Poison, Religious Troop, Super-Jump
AP Rifle, Light Shotgun, Nanopulser, Grenades, Pistol, DA CCW, SWC 0, Cost 54
Spitfire, Nanopulser, Grenades, Pistol, DA CCW, SWC 2, Cost 56
Lt., AP Rifle, Light Shotgun, Nanopulser, Grenades, Pistol, DA CCW, SWC +1, Cost 54
Lt., Spitfire, Nanopulser, Grenades, Pistol, DA CCW, SWC 2, Cost 56
A bit cheaper (base 54 instead of 56), CC+5, BTS +3, Kinematika L1, MA L1, and Khawarij skills. Tarik becomes even more mobile in N3, and his S5 silhouette might force you to keep him a bit more safe. Pretty fly for a Khawarij guy.
Both Khawarij units seem to suffer a bit from Skill bloat, causing them to be a bit pricy. But keep in mind we still don’t know the whole picture! We’ll have to try them out to see how effective they are for their points. 😉
Maghariba Guard
MOV6-4, CC16, BS14, PH17, WIP14, ARM8, BTS6, STR3, S8, AVA1
Equipment: Advanced ECM
Special Skills: Heavyweight, Manned
79/2 MULTI HMG, 2 Heavy Pistols
98/2 360 Visor, MULTI HMG, HFT
The Maghariba Guard becomes 11 points cheaper, but gains a SWC cost. CC-1, Heavyweight (no intel) and Manned (probably new skill to differentiate from Remote Presence). It looks like the Maghariba Guard loses its braces.
S8, and we haven’t seen that one yet, a special Silhouette for the Maghariba Guard. It looks like the Guard remains a big tank!
Edit: Change to Fiday
Level 1: During the deployment phase allows the user to deploy anywhere on the game table except for the enemy deployment zone.
Allows the user to deploy inside the enemy deployment zone by making a WIP roll.
Roll WIP after placing him on the battlefield in order to determine the effects of a failed Roll.
User cannot deploy in base to base contact with any other trooper.
Humans cannot adopt the Impersonation 1 state against an alien army
Any level of Impersonation automatically grants its user the Surprise, Attack, Surprise Shot L1, and Stealth Special Skills.
Failing a Impersonation WIP roll, have to make a Dispersion Roll. If you disperse off the table you have to place the figure in YOUR deployment zone touching an edge.
Heavyweight basically means the unit cannot “squeeze” through a Narrow Gate marker. Manned means the pilot can be ejected by a Hacking attack, and needs to spend an Order to climb back in!
Cool, thanks for that. Will add it later on!
I just bought a Starter, and i don’t know who is who, any help?
Short answer – on a side of the starter box there are all the models pictured and named.
For long answer, I’m afraid you’d have to ask in the forum (as there are three current starters for Haqqislam – the general one (aka vanilla), Qapu Khalqi and Hassassin Bahram, there’s also a vague possibility that you’ve bought the old vanilla one that’ve been collecting dust on a retailer’s shelf for some years, though it remains perfectly playable, too).