N3 Previews!

Infinity 3rd Edition
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Today we bring you something really cool directly from Bostria himself! He delivered upon us these previews of the N3 books!

We have 4 files showing 8 pages of the books!

File 1

Orders and Order Pool

What is shown? Regular, Impetuous and Irregular orders, as well as the new Lieutenant Order and the Order Pool.


File 2


What is shown? Some more explanation on Impetuous Orders, but also Fury and a small bit of the Hackable characteristics.


File 3

Fiction on Ariadna


File 4

Fiction of the Combined Army



As we all can see, the rule books are really cleaned up nicely! Big, colourful inserts that point out the important and easily forgotten parts of the rules. The layout is clean, with lots of pictures and diagrams to show what is told in the rules.

The fiction parts look amazing as well, with beautiful art, on par with the art from Paradiso. The fiction also contains short blurbs of text, shown between the text to show the fabled quotes that Infinity is known for!

Are you excited for N3? We sure are! We hope you all enjoy these little previews!

Thijs "Scorch" van Tienen

Infinity enthusiast and longtime cyberpunk fan. Also enjoys some good quality tea and Thai food. Runs Data Sphere together with Arachas.

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5 Responses

  1. Dozer says:

    AWESOME! But now I have a taste for the N3, I want the meal.

  2. Sean Schoonmaker says:

    Thank-you for the sneak peaks – looking forward to seeing the whole thing!

  3. Jake McLean says:

    Really good and delicious treats before the main meal that will be N3!. I really enjoyed reading the Fluff, I think its well written.

  1. December 10, 2014

    […] week Datasphere got some juicy previews – several spreads from the new N3 […]

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