Tabletop Gamers United’s Infinity: ARO

Tabletop Gamers United’s Infinity: ARO

Together with three other I host the podcast called Tabletop Gamers United based in New York City.  We started out as a local group getting together during a campaign set in the grim dark future. After some time we realized that the community was more than that game and started adding other players in and around the community that just played tabletop games in general.  In the past couple of years we have grown slowly but spreading out to different games as much as possible with representatives of almost all tabletop games promoting the different games.

We decided it was time to expand and Calvin M. and myself thought a podcast would be an excellent idea but the timing wasn’t right.  On a ride back from an Infinity Tournament in Maryland Andrew M. (Wax) and Michael K. (DTJunkie) two avid Infinity fans and players thought it would also be a good idea to do a Podcast since at the time O-12 was the only podcast available.  After some time and planning myself, Andrew, Calvin and one other Scott B. decided the time was now to start podcasting.  None of us has any experience in this field and my only expertise was in computers but we took up the challenge and after some bumps we recorded our first four episodes in less than a month talking about the history of Tabletop Gamers United, where to start in the hobby, tools of the trade, and painting.

We quickly pushed into Infinity on our 6th episode after general discussion podcasts.  With Michael K. having time he joined Andrew and myself to talk about Infinity and why we love the game so much but also talk about Gen Con 2014, our hopes for the tournaments at Gen Con and the release of Operation Icestorm.  So after Gen Con we met with other members of the TGU Administration Staff and decided that we will have specific focus for each tabletop game in a podcast.  The launch of this series under Tabletop Gamers United is TGU – Infinity: ARO which should drop its first Faction episode in the month of September.  We hope you like what you hear so far with Tabletop Gamers United and hope to continue bringing you awesome gaming information.  Please check out the website for Tabletop Gamers United at but also look us up on Facebook at Tabletop Gamers United Podcast.  

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