Combined Army Starter Confirmed

Thanks to our Data Sphere Warcor who’s currently risking his life in the battlefield known as GenCon to bring you this news! Claudius Sol! We’ve just received these HD images of the Combined Army starter pack that was confirmed yesterday!
What DO we know? Claudius quotes Bostria as saying the Legates are an entire new race, ‘super nasty’ and ‘super evil’!
Another thing what has been noted already is the fact that some of the units share some Tohaa-esque designs. Well, do we have some intel for you!
Next to the new Legates, the CA Starter has two entire new units from a race called the Sygmaa, Tohaa that collaborate with the EI. What?! Sith Tohaa? Yes! Indeed!
And of course, what would CA be without their EI controlled Batroides? They will have a new weapon called a Plasma Carbine. We’re not sure what it entails, but it seems like some form of Plasma Ammunition weapon. Line Infantry with plasma. Brrr!

Unidron Batroid – CA line infantry

Fraacta front
Well guys and girls! That’s what we have to share with you all! Thanks again to Claudius Sol for bringing us this news!
That Fraacta is a beautiful model in an incredibly dull pose.
At least she’s not dancing and prancing like many other AD troops! 😉
She’s got both hands on her weapon and points it in the right direction. I’ll take it (Except for the boob plate but whatever)!
Looks like I will be starting Combined Army… Damnit.
Well, you’re not the only one. Sith Tohaa is my N3 goal, next to Invincible Army, Caliphate and one PanO thingy. x’D
I’ve been waiting for something that would make me start CA, looks like i found it!
Finally after years in the wilderness we’re getting some love! 😀
That looks gorgeous. Never drawn to CA but that looks sick.
I hope these guys will be easier to assemble than the luggage battroid… my bleeding fingers!
I’d really like it if they started to include multiple weapon options, or a separate weapon options pack. However, psyched to see some expansion to the CA range.
You can get a weapon pack with Spec-Ops.
In plastic or resin they would be more awesome than now